Real Estate Agent Interview Questions for Historic District Homes


Getting your ducks in a row to buy a house?

When you’re interviewing real estate agents to purchase a home in one of the historic districts of Jacksonville, it’s helpful to ask:

  • What are the benefits of living in a historic district compared to other neighborhoods?
  • Do you have experience with the Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) process?
  • How many homes have you sold in historic districts in the last two years?
  • Are you familiar with zoning regulations specific to the historic districts?
  • What types of exterior maintenance or renovations might be necessary?And a bonus question! Do you know what Riverside Avondale Preservation (RAP) and Springfield Preservation and Revitalization (SPAR) do for their respective neighborhoods? (It’s not to approve or deny COA applications!)

We’re ready to answer these questions, and more! Reach out and let’s talk historic homes.